Kaleido Health is specifically designed as a service for sexuality and gender diverse people, but all people living in NSW are welcome to access their care at Kaleido Health – including intersex people.

Kaleido Health recognises that intersex people share some similarities but also many differences with LGBTQ+ people in terms of their rights and health care needs and experiences. We acknowledge that many intersex people share with LGBTQ+ people experiences of stigma and discrimination, and Kaleido Health aims to provide trauma-informed, inclusive, non-judgemental and person centred services for everyone.

ACON is proud to affirm the Darlington Statement and stand alongside intersex people as allies, affirming their right to self-determination and supporting the work of peer-led intersex networks such as Intersex Peer Support Australia (IPSA) and Intersex Human Rights Australia (IHRA). Kaleido Health shares these values and principles, including the importance of peer leadership.

Kaleido Health respects the intersex human rights movement and will seek to support this movement without tokenism or co-opting the issues intersex people experience as a means for other ends.